PercuTrach® – medical aids for percutaneous dilation
Percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy is a standardized method in intesive medical treatment. As alternative for surgical tracheostomy it may be carried out less time-consuming at the bedside in ICU’s. The dilatated tracheostoma closes spontaneously and long-term cosmetic results are far superior to conventional tracheostomy.
All Primed® PDT Sets include a dilation set and a matching tracheostomy tube set.
PDT Set Type 1
The tracheostomy tube set with an atraumatic insertion aid includes three different cannula types: Optima PercuTrach®, ProLine PercuTrach® and Priflex PercuTrach®.
PDT Set Type 2
PDT SET TYP 2 includes a dilation set for the Griggs dilation technique, with tracheal dilating forceps and an Optima tracheostomy tube.
Tracheostomy tube with atraumatic inserter
OPTIMA PercuTrach® tracheostomy tubes with atraumatic inserters have been specifically developed for use during dilatational tracheostomy.
The thermosensitive material of the outer cannula with a rigid 15 mm universal connector ensures pleasant wearing comfort. The atraumatic inserter is perfectly adapted for this purpose and snaps securely into the outer cannula. Moreover, it features a practical handle which incorporates elevations that prevent slipping.
The tracheostomy tube set is always provided with two inner cannulas which can be inserted and removed without difficulty and are fixed securely in the outer cannula.
Tracheostomy tube with atraumatic inserter
PRIFLEX PercuTrach® tracheostomy tubes with atraumatic inserters have been specifically developed for use during dilatational tracheostomy.
These spiral-reinforced tracheostomy tubes with a rigid 15 mm universal connector have a soft neck flange, which can be adjusted using a rotating cap to meet the patient’s individual needs.
The atraumatic insertion aid is designed to match the selected cannula size and has a practical grip with integrated protrusions for precise handling.
Tracheostomy tube with atraumatic inserter
PROLINE PercuTrach® tracheostomy tubes with atraumatic inserters have been specifically developed for use during dilatational tracheostomy.
They are made of tissue-friendly polyurethane. Due to the excellent ratio between the inner and outer diameters they allow for maximum air flow. But despite their extremely thin walls, they ensure a high wearing comfort.
Different types of inner cannulas can be connected to the outer cannula by means of a bayonet catch. These are all equipped with a swivelling 15mm connector, which reduces tensile and shear forces and ensures stable positioning.
The atraumatic inserter is perfectly matched to the ProLine outer cannula and can be securely locked in via its bayonet connection. It has a practical handle which incorporates elevations that prevent slipping.
Product video PercuTrach® PDT Set Type 1 with Optima PercuTrach®
Product video PercuTrach® PDT Set Type 1 with ProLine PercuTrach®
Product video PercuTrach® PDT Set Type 1 with Priflex PercuTrach®

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Primed Halberstadt Medizintechnik GmbH
Straße des 20. Juli 1
38820 Halberstadt
Contact us:
Phone: + 49 (0) 39 41 – 6 68 6
Fax: + 49 (0) 39 41 – 2 45 65